Sunday, June 7, 2009

It's Showtime

I'm addicted to viral videos. What can be funnier than watching a bunch of people act like they're starting cars while dancing in a line to the worst 70's music ever? Who can beat seeing a dorky kid from Canada swing a golf ball retriever around like a light saber?

As I watch these glorious bits of insanity, I am compelled to ask, "who does this?!" The answer is startling: people like my friend Steve Howell. Yes, one of my best friends, the laid back Mormon kid from a small Utah County sheep herding town, is a perfect example of the unassuming maniacal sadists who both make and post such incredibly disturbing/entertaining media for the world to grow stupider at. I have an example that I'd like to share; one unfortunately starring a much younger, but just-as-dorky me.

I've also included a small sampling of some of my personal favorites for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy:

My good friend Julianna Boulter is another viral video poster. Alright, so she discovered it, and I posted it, but she's still the one with the warped imagination! She and her brother Matt got so bored one night that they started to play Disney songs while watching Lord of the Rings. It was all fun and games until they discovered the following video. I wish to point out that neither the timing in the video nor the song have at all been adjusted or edited in any way.

"There is only one thing that can kill the Movies, and that is education."
-Will Rogers